Once you Sign-in to your Kolabtree account, Click on the profile tab to update your Kolabtree Expert profile. Click on the ''Connect to Orcid'' link to syn your Orcid account with your kolabtree profile.
A new pop-up window should automatically direct you to the Orcid.org website. Enter your username and password to Sign-in to Orcid and sync your account. Click on the ''Authorize'' button to authorize Kolabtree to import details from your Orcid profile.
Once the Sync is complete your Kolabtree profile will display your Orcid Id. For your privacy, this Orcid Id is only visible to you and is not make publicly available on your kolabtree profile.
Sometimes even after syncing your Orcid profile your details may not automatically show on your Kolabtree account. This may be because your Orcid Id is set to be visible only to you. You can check this by signing in to your Orcid profile. Under ''My Orcid Record'', the Biography section should show your privacy status.
To change your privacy settings, Click on Account Settings under the tab ''For Researchers''.
Under Account Settings, Click on edit next to ''Privacy Preferences''.
Change the privacy status to either ''Trusted parties'' or ''Everyone''
Click on ''Sync with Orcid'' on your Kolabtree profile page again to automatically sync your account with your Orcid Account.
If any of your individual Academic, professional or publications are not showing on your kolabtree profile, check the Biography section again under '' My Orcid Record '' and see if the individual privacy status is not set to be visible to ''me''.
- If yes this can directly be changed on this page itself by clicking on any of the two icons either ''Trusted parties'' or ''Everyone''. Unfortunately, you will need to click on the ''Sync with Orcid'' link on your Kolabtree profile again to sync this item with your profile.
How to sync your Orcid profile with Kolabtree? Print
Modified on: Thu, 7 Dec, 2017 at 11:33 PM
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